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Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Cell Phone Cameras

Cell Phone Cameras by Cathy Peterson

Cellular phones with cameras have been flooding the market. Some people may think of it as a fad but I believe that they are here to stay. Having a built in camera on your cell phone offers a lot of advantages.

When you need to capture a special moment and y
ou haven't brought with you a camera you can easily take snap shots with the help of your cellular phone. This is not the only benefit. There have been incidents of crimes that were easily solved because of the help of a camera phone. I have read of an instance wherein someone who was mugged was able to take a picture of the man while he was trying to run away. The picture he took helped the police to easily identify the suspect and within a matter of minutes the criminal was arrested while he was riding his truck to escape some place else.

Pictures on your cell phone could also be used if you intend to buy something for someone and you would want his or her approval on it. I have used it several times while shopping. I took a snap shot of a bag I bought and I asked my mom if she would want one too. The pictures were instantly received and my mom immediately gave me a feedback that she wanted one for herself also. The benefits and uses are endless.

If you are looking out to buy a camera phone be sure to choose one that offers other features like being able to take videos as well. It should be able to store pictures with great quality and has the capability to store numerous pictures. This problem though can be addressed with most phones in the market having expandable memory in the form of memory cards aside from the cell phone's own memory.

Almost all camera phones have the ability to send and email the pictures. You can even set it up as your wall paper or screen saver. There are even models that allow you to edit it and it even has several templates that you could use to frame the picture.

Having these pictures printed also takes only minutes. You can just go to any developing center. They have these standing kiosks where you can send the pictures through blue tooth or infrared option. You could also just insert the memory card and viola within minutes your pictures are printed in the size you want.

With more and more cellular phone models having cameras that could take high quality pictures, it wouldn't come as a shock if more and more people would be opting for this over digital cameras.




